Event has ended. Results are being finalised.

Team SWD :D

13 members

My teammates and I are cycling to raise funds for HNF’s underprivileged patients! Your donation will go towards providing medical care to the patients. Join me in my efforts to brighten someone’s day and donate generously to support our cause!


$10,200 Goal

Raised $3,116 so far

44 donors

18 km of 1,800 km completed

2 activity recorded by 13 members

When you support a team, the fundraising amount will be split equally among all team members.

Team Members 13 members/100


17.6 km of 100 km

Raised $129.36 of $500 goal

Team Leader


0 km of 50 km

Raised $975.36 of $1000 goal


0 km of 100 km

Raised $562.69 of $500 goal


0 km of 50 km

Raised $529.36 of $1000 goal


0 km of 100 km

Raised $312.69 of $1000 goal


0 km of 100 km

Raised $307.69 of $100 goal


0 km of 200 km

Raised $132.69 of $1000 goal


0 km of 200 km

Raised $112.69 of $1000 goal


18.4 km of 200 km

Raised $12.69 of $1000 goal


0 km of 200 km

Raised $12.69 of $1000 goal


0 km of 200 km

Raised $12.69 of $1000 goal


0 km of 100 km

Raised $7.69 of $100 goal


50.7 km of 200 km

Raised $7.69 of $1000 goal



Donated SGD 100

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

one of the 3 pi

Donated SGD 100

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to Ellesig


Donated SGD 100

Donated to Ellesig


Donated SGD 100

"Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :) "

Donated to YvonneTayYW


Donated SGD 100

Donated to jia-8314

Li yan

Donated SGD 50

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to YvonneTayYW


Donated SGD 100

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to YvonneTayYW

Ollie H

Donated SGD 50

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to YvonneTayYW


Donated SGD 20

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to shirleyyy

Mr and Mrs Tan

Donated SGD 100

"Love you. From: papa mama"

Donated to Gracetan88

Your secret admirer

Donated SGD 100

"Break a leg (not literally). 加油!! *cue Ariana Grande’s Side to Side* "

Donated to Ellesig


Donated SGD 50

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"


Donated SGD 50

"Jia you and all the best ! "

Donated to Brandon99

Nathan (Ex Intern)

Donated SGD 20

"As an ex-intern of Home Nursing Foundation (HNF), I am really happy that HNF is doing a fundraising campaign for underprivileged patients. During my internship there, I got to learn much and am always reminded of how simple happiness can be. Therefore, do join the Tou De Care 2024, on 30th March 2024, and let's make the best time out of it ! Enjoy, Empower and Everlasting (3 E's). Cheers and let's have a blessed Saturday! :)"

Donated to Brandon99


Donated SGD 50

"Jiayou Brandon! Stay safe while cycling too. "

Donated to Brandon99


Donated SGD 100

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to james-21306


Donated SGD 200

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to james-21306


Donated SGD 200

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to james-21306


Donated SGD 10

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to Brandon99


Donated SGD 10

"All the best!"

Donated to Brandon99


Donated SGD 10

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to Brandon99

Alicia Altorfer Ong

Donated SGD 100

"Happy to support this important cause. Go, Brandon! And keep up the excellent work, Team HNF! "

Donated to Brandon99

Wai Yee

Donated SGD 50

"Please cover more miles for me! Cos I can’t cycle, hahaha. And enjoy this act of kindness you are undertaking!"

Donated to Brandon99

Azman A

Donated SGD 50

"Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Ride for care Brandon! "

Donated to Brandon99


Donated SGD 20

"I'm happy I'm making another contribution today! #TourdeCare2024"

Donated to Brandon99


Donated SGD 100

"I'm happy I'm making another contribution today! #TourdeCare2024"

Donated to Brandon99

Timothy chua

Donated SGD 10

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to Brandon99


Donated SGD 20

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to Brandon99


Donated SGD 50

"Thanks for working hard for your patients! Stay safe while cycling!"

Donated to Brandon99


Donated SGD 50

"Jia you Grace!!!! ❤️"

Donated to Gracetan88


Donated SGD 50


Donated to Gracetan88

Anson mummy

Donated SGD 88

"Jiayou Grace!! Also, have a huat year ahead! "

Donated to Gracetan88


Donated SGD 20

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to Gracetan88

Xiu Ling

Donated SGD 50

"Hope you reach your target soon dear Grace! And may all the patients get the treatment they need! ❤️"

Donated to Gracetan88


Donated SGD 68

"Great job on this initiative~ all the very best to achieve the goal! "

Donated to Gracetan88


Donated SGD 100

"Jia you! "

Donated to Gracetan88


Donated SGD 100

Donated to shirleyyy


Donated SGD 200

"Great what you are doing. Jiayu n stay safe, enjoy the journey this experience brings you. Shalom 🙏"

Donated to Gracetan88


Donated SGD 100

Donated to chngwinnie


Donated SGD 20

"jiayou!! He who refreshes others will themselves be refreshed! Prov 11:25 :)"

Donated to Gracetan88

Mei Fang

Donated SGD 50

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to Gracetan88


Donated SGD 50

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"

Donated to Gracetan88


Donated SGD 50

"So wonderful to see your enthusiasm to support the underprivileged patients. Wishing you all the very best to achieve your goal! Cheers! :)"


Donated SGD 100

Donated to Gracetan88

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